Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Visiting Teaching

Here is a really funny but still inspirational video about visiting teaching. I'm sure everyone, at some point can relate. I know I can. Sometimes we get so caught up in hitting the numbers of visiting teaching that we forget the purpose of it and the spirit behind it. I've been very blessed this year to have a wonderful partner that is such a wonderful visiting teacher. We have mostly inactive sisters so we don't always get in but she is always eager and happy to go and do what the Lord wants us. She has been a true inspiration to me and working with her has helped to grow my testimony of visiting teaching. It's important to remember why we visit teach. Doing it is a start but don't forget while you are doing it to go with the spirit and the Lord will work wonders through you!!

Anyway... watch it. Enjoy it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Freebie on Mormon Mommy Writers

Hey go check out Mormom Mommy Writers. They are giving away an author signed book. Check it out here.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Second post today! It's a special day. I wanted to post something about mothers and to my mother.

I work in primary so I'm always thinking of primary songs to go with everything. I think the songs have a beautiful and simple way of expressing the most heartfelt feelings. Here is one of my favorites about mothers:

Mother I Love You:

Mother I love you,
Mother I do,
Father in Heaven has sent me to you.
When I am near you,
I love to hear you,
Singing so softly that you love me too.

Mother I love you,
Mother I do,
I want to help you because I love you.
I want to mind you,
I want to find you,
Happy and Smiling because I love you.

Mother I love you,
I love you,
I do.

In the scriptures there are so many accounts of mothers teaching there children. My favorite is the Stripling warriors. Alma 56: 47 & 48. Everyone uses this scripture but I do really love it.

47 Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the aliberty of their bfathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their cmothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.

48 And they rehearsed unto me the words of their amothers, saying: We bdo not doubt our mothers knew it.

They knew because their mothers had raised them in righteousness and had taught them to trust in God. We learn so much through our mothers, through their example and their faith.

Everything I am I owe to my mom, she is so wonderful and her righteous example has taught me to trust in the Lord and turn to him in my life. I am so grateful for my mother and hope that one day when I have my own children I can half the mother she was.

Thank you Mom.

Elder Knight

So I got to speak with my brother today over the phone. We generally exchange emails on Mondays but today because it was mother's day he gave me a call. I never realized how important he was to me and how important to me it was that he served a mission. I do not have any children of my own right now but I was the oldest girl of a somewhat large family. Though we have a great mom (post to come in honor of her) I still felt a motherly pull towards my younger siblings at times. I actually cried this morning, he called while we were still in bed, when I picked up my phone and saw a missed call from him. I am proud of him and honored that he thought to call me today. He's at such a wonderful point in his life. He has chosen well and is happily serving the Lord. It is so wonderful and such an example to me that he is so willingly serving on his mission.
When I talk about my brother to people at work that aren't members they are always stunned that a young man would sacrifice two of the best years of his life to serve a mission - leaving behind family, school, cars, girls, etc. I always love to explain that there is no greater thing in life than to serve the Lord and that having the opportuinity to wholly devote two years to that service is a wonderful thing. Of course then they usually have more questions about the gospel, which I eagerly respond to ;).
I'm grateful for my brother and his example to me and the rest of his family. I'm grateful for the gospel in my life and the understanding and that happiness that it brings to me and I really try to share it every chance I get.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Motor Vehicle Department

Ok so this is just a rant.

I sold my car today to a kid in our ward, Benny. He needed a car and I didn't need to make any money off it so needless to say he got a really great deal. Well I woke up early this morning and started searching around for my title. I knew it had to to be one of two places otherwise I would never see it again and would have to get a duplicate title. So I searched through piles of paperwork, weeded through stacks of folders and old bills, until finally at the end of the pile there it was crumpled and folded and generally discarded and forgotten about. I pull it out, straighten out as much as a I can, trying to make it look like I actually cared about keeping it filed away nicely, and jumped in my new car to go get it notarized. I drive to the nearest open bank, figuring that they either had a notary or knew where one is. The first bank I stopped at didn't have one but they refered me to another bank just up the street that could help me. Well I get to that bank, wait in the everlastingly long, or so I thought, line to see the notary. I finally get helped and she's pulling out all her books and stamps and whatnot when she sees that it is the title to a car. "We don't do those anymore, ADOT requires you to go to the MVD to get those done now because it is a transfer of ownership." She said to me politly and apologetically. When did that change? Now I have to go stand in line at the MVD just to get something notarized. Ey ey ey. Well it was still early so I hoped that the lines were short, I called up my husband to rant to him a bit and tell him I would be longer than I thought. He then suggested that I just take Benny along with me so I can help him get it registered and get everything knocked out at once. Great idea I think so we call up Benny to get him to come and he isn't even awake yet. So much for getting to the MVD before the lines are long. Three or so hours later he calls up proclaiming that he is ready to go. By this time I guessed the lines were pretty long but what the heck it had to be done. I drive over to pick him up and process to the ONLY office in the area that is open on a Saturday. Whoever thought that only one office in a 20 mile radius should be open on a Saturday of all days wasn't really thinking. The line is snaking out the door and down the entire length of the building, I make Benny get out and stand in line, good call by the time I parked and got up there the line had almost doubled in length. Now this really was an everlastingly long line. Slowly we make our way up to the counter when the young lady behind it popped her gum in my face and asked very nonchalantly what I needed. I had to repeat myself twice before she finally understood. We get out ticket and find a seat. Now this particular MVD is quite large there are 33 windows and probably close to a hundred chairs, almost everyone of them full with several people standing around the edges. Of these 33 windows only about 15 of them were open. LESS THAN HALF! What kind of manager thinks, oh it's Saturday, we're the only office around that's open, less than half staff should do. ARGH! We sit there for almost 2 hours listening to one number after another being called while children run around screaming and sweaty guys try to squeeze by into a seat that really isn't meant to hold that much weight. (no offense to anyone) Finally our number is called. It's a glorious moment, relief floods through me and almost too quickly I jump from my chair toward the awaiting attendant. Our business only takes about 10 minutes but in the brief bit that she is quickly typing the information into the computer I overhear just exactly why it take so long (aside from less than half staffing) to get through the line. The converstation goes like this.

Employee: "Sir, I need you to select yes or no to the question."
Man: "I'm already registered."
Employee: "Ok sir but I still need you to select yes or no."
Man: "Well I don't know I told you I'm already registered."
Employee: "I understand that sir but I still need you to select yes or no."
Man: "Why? I'm already registered."
Employee: "Because we need all the questions answered. So would you like to register to vote?"
Man: "I'm already registered!"
Employee: "So is that a yes or a no?"
Man: "Yes I guess, I'm already registered."
Employee: "Ok you'll need to fill out this part of the form then."
Man: "I told you I'm already registered why do I need to do it again."
Employee: "Sir just tell me which party you want to register with and we can move on."
Man: "Democart but I'm already registered."
Employee: "Thank you sir by the way you can complete this paperwork online and you don't need to come into the office." He then hands him back his paperwork. "Ok just take this over to that counter and put it in the bin and wait for your name to be called."
Man: "Where?"
Employee: "Over there."
Man: "Oh ok and just wait for my name?"
Employee: "Yes sir that is what I just said. Have a nice day."

Ok, if you were that employee wouldn't you just advise the man to mark 'no' if he is already registered and move on instead of wasting precious time going back and forth like that?

So just to end and get back to my original point. The MVD sucks. State employees suck. It's all just one big circus.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Standing for Something....

Recently Miss USA was crown, however that is not the story I, or anyone else want to hear. In fact, I don't even know her name or anything about her. There is one contestant however that I now respect and would have been proud to have as my Miss USA. Miss California, Carrie Prejean. In today's world it's so unfortunate and so common to pander to the whole, actually to pander to the very loud minority who gets offended at every turn. When too many people ride the line and are afraid to stand for their beliefs we see a degredation of those beliefs. They become less important to the individual and to society as a whole. Below is a segment from the Today show interviewing both Perez Hilton, the judge who asked the conterversial question, and Carrie Prejean. I love her response to the question at the end... "if you could do it all again, would you answer differently?" She was as sure of herself during that interview as she was during the pagent and she, in front of all of America, realizing it or not, bore strong testimony of her beliefs and of what she stood for. She was strong and immovable and someone that I highly respect and will always remember.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cooking Adventures

So it was time for grocery shopping, that daunting task that must be done. I usually rush around the store only paying slight attention to what I'm throwing into my cart. Today's trip was no different, get in - get out. I did spend a little extra time picking out the perfect ingredients for spagetti and garlic bread - that's big for me. I had a craving.

I get home, very excited to make a yummy homemade meal for the husband and I. I start the water boiling and turn to make some meatballs. About half way through the meatballs I smell something burning. I couldn't quite figure it out, after even I can't burn water. I turn around and there is a small fire burning under my favorite pot! I freak out and in the process of turning to take care of the fire I cut my finger. So I've got blood gushing from my finger and I'm trying to put out the fire. I saved the pot and the fire went out quickly. Turns out the cut wasn't so bad it just bled a lot.

Thank goodness for small miracles. I could have burnt my house down! Ok it wasn't even that close but it was still terrifying.

Dinner turned out great by the way. Lots of left overs so I'm hoping Kevin doesn't eat it after I go to bed so I can have it for lunch. Mmm...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

writers blues

So a few months ago, that would only be a few posts ago, I posted that I finished a book. Beginning, Middle, and End - characters, a plot and all. I've since then started to try to re-write, ah the re-write and write again. I've seen new characters and plot twists. A whole new direction for this is unfolding before me. It feels almost like writing the first draft again. I don't know what's coming next. It's so exciting!!
Since I work full time most of my writing is done on my hour lunch and when I can sneak in sometime at work. For some reason it's easier to write there. Anyway I was telling a co-worker of mine about my book and asking for feedback on my ideas and the little I've written. (I'll prod for feedback from anywhere. I'm pretty shameless that way. ) She got so excited about the fact that I was writing a book, not the book itself mind you just that I was writing one. She noticed that I used several of my other co-workers names, not intentional mind you completely accidental. She of course wanted her name in there somewhere. So I changed one of the very minor characters names, so minor I was going to write them out, and just like that the character came to life for me! It was so bizzare. I didn't have need for this character, in fact I usually didn't even remember her name but now that she has a familiar name she has a personality and a part, she is really there now in the book. It's great. Well, Katie, this co-worker of mine got very excited about that and loved to read the parts with her name. Like a little kid. It was the funniest thing and the simplest, most unexpected forms of instant gratification.
It made it worth it to change a name, not only because it literally created a new character, it also got someone excited about my book.

Ok so this isn't really the writers blue but it started that way. Re-writes are tough. But apparently worth it.

One is the lonelinest number...

So I logged onto my blog today noticed something different. For the first time since I've started my little blog I have a follower!!! I was surprised and amazed and thought I would mark this with a tribute to my lone follower. The one other person out there that cares!!! I'm only being slightly sarcastic as it is exciting to have a follower. So to Aubrie, Love Ya. Thanks for the support. I'll follow your blog anytime! LOL.

Now lets see if that follower actually does follow it and read it...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Let's try this again!

Alright I'm going to try this blog thing again. I went to a writers workshop about a month ago and I took a class from a publisist that encouraged us to use blogs and social networking sights. So here we go!

We recently had to buy a new car. The old one finally just gave way. The transmission went out again - for the second time in two years! We test drove a car on Friday that over heated and died during the test drove. Umm I think not. We then went to an auction but yet again nothing. Running out of options we decided to take a little road trip and drive the two hours drive out to Globe and look at one we found that we liked and fit our needs. So we hit the road. Now mind you the weather forecast called for rain. But seriously this is Arizona, how often does it rain, and when it does it comes and goes quickly. Well guess what - it rained!!! It poured! The rain was coming down so bad the whole way that we could barely see the car in front of us. We got there saftely and it turned out that the car was a right fit. In the end it was well worth it! And another fun adventure! I'll post pictures of the car at some point.