Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Visiting Teaching

Here is a really funny but still inspirational video about visiting teaching. I'm sure everyone, at some point can relate. I know I can. Sometimes we get so caught up in hitting the numbers of visiting teaching that we forget the purpose of it and the spirit behind it. I've been very blessed this year to have a wonderful partner that is such a wonderful visiting teacher. We have mostly inactive sisters so we don't always get in but she is always eager and happy to go and do what the Lord wants us. She has been a true inspiration to me and working with her has helped to grow my testimony of visiting teaching. It's important to remember why we visit teach. Doing it is a start but don't forget while you are doing it to go with the spirit and the Lord will work wonders through you!!

Anyway... watch it. Enjoy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My best friend is my partner and she makes sure we go, I love her! I've been a R.S. Pres. and know how important it is. Loved it!