Friday, April 24, 2009

Standing for Something....

Recently Miss USA was crown, however that is not the story I, or anyone else want to hear. In fact, I don't even know her name or anything about her. There is one contestant however that I now respect and would have been proud to have as my Miss USA. Miss California, Carrie Prejean. In today's world it's so unfortunate and so common to pander to the whole, actually to pander to the very loud minority who gets offended at every turn. When too many people ride the line and are afraid to stand for their beliefs we see a degredation of those beliefs. They become less important to the individual and to society as a whole. Below is a segment from the Today show interviewing both Perez Hilton, the judge who asked the conterversial question, and Carrie Prejean. I love her response to the question at the end... "if you could do it all again, would you answer differently?" She was as sure of herself during that interview as she was during the pagent and she, in front of all of America, realizing it or not, bore strong testimony of her beliefs and of what she stood for. She was strong and immovable and someone that I highly respect and will always remember.

1 comment:

Amber Lynae said...

So according to Perez Hilton the perfect Miss USA would believe in nothing.

I am glad she didn't ride the fence.