Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Next Step

I've been putting of school for a long time now. I went for a while when I worked for the University of Phoenix but that was only because it was free and convienent and I didn't bother to take any classes that would do me any good.

When I quit my job and school and moved to Alabama I felt like something was missing. Of course something was missing, I'd just left a busy city life of full time work and full time school for a quiet country life. Don't get me wrong I love the quiet country life, the soft breezes, the wonderful smells, the sounds of frogs out my back window, two lane highways, and having to drive forever along those two lane highways to get anywhere; but with all that is good there was still something missing. I've been searching for employment since coming here almost a year ago and have come up empty, even when the odds were stacked in my favor and everything seemed right I just never got that job.

Recently I decided to put all my free time to work for me by going back to school. So I applied for admissions to the University of Montevallo, the closest university to me and it just happens to be an awesome school, and I got in. I didn't think I wouldn't, in fact it didn't even occur to me that I wouldn't, maybe that was a little arrogant, or just confidant, I'll let you decide. When I got the letter however a little thrill went through me, see I never went through the whole college thing after high school, I never even applied to colleges, so to get an acceptance letter was new and exciting. I immediately jumped into action getting everything squared away to start school. I still wasn't entirely sure that this could fill in what was missing but it was something.

Yesterday I had new student orientation. Just being on the campus, moving forward with me life and meeting new people gave me a sense of pride. I started to feel like that something missing was being filled in.

I decided after some much needed reflection and prayer that all my frustrations with job hunting, being so close to so many jobs but never getting one, was a push that I needed to go back to school and that this school is where I needed to go back to.

Now, if only we can figure out why Kevin can't find a job. :)

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